Star Gazing

From the Stars We Have Come
From the Stars We Have Come

This was inspired by another image that I’ve been carrying in my head for a long time. It wasn’t nearly as easy to create it as I expected. The photo of myself (with wings!) was taken against a green board as was that of the meteors after many attempts that failed initially.

The problem I was experiencing was that the wings have a mind of their own. I had hoped to get several shots from the same angle but with different lighting so that I could pick and choose when I bought it home. Catching the moving wings in the same exact spot was not a doable thing. I found that I could stop them from moving by ‘editing’ them but at some point I would have to let go to move the lighting prim.

Photo Day 2
Had to call in Christi to try and help but in the end I bought the LUMIPro to help with the lighting.

This was inspired by another image that I’ve been carrying in my head for a long time. It wasn’t nearly as easy to create it as I expected. The photo of myself (with wings!) was taken against a green board as was that of the meteors after many attempts that failed initially.

The problem I was experiencing was that the wings have a mind of their own. I had hoped to get several shots from the same angle but with different lighting so that I could pick and choose when I bought it home. Catching the moving wings in the same exact spot was not a doable thing. I found that I could stop them from moving by ‘editing’ them but at some point I would have to let go to move the lighting prim.

I tried several ways of getting the wings to stop moving and even thought I had broke them when I finally did because they were stuck open which did me no good whatsoever. (resetting the hud was necessary to fix them again).

I had been told of a photographic tool called LUMIPro that might help me out with other lighting issues but when I saw the price, I discharged the idea without actually learning what all it was capable of.  At a height of frustration, I looked to see what LUMIPro was capable of doing and was so impressed that I bought one. I am happy to say I was able to get the light on my avatar that I wanted with LUMIPro in addition to lighting the three meteorites.


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