Spring Is In The Air

Spring Is In The Air
Spring Is In The Air

I’d like to say that the three sims I saw on the map were some of the most beautifully put together that I have seen…except I can’t. I can’t say that because I never made it to the third sim. Instead, upon stumbling across a patch of tall giving birth to multitudes of flowers which were busily serviced by as many butterflies, I knew this was the place to take a photograph.

I’m still struggling with the Black Dragon viewer but should have caught that Noel’s face was a bit brighter than I wanted it. I suppose i was too busy trying to catch more butterflies in the image as they flew into and out of the view.  Unfortunately, I feel I failed at both and perhaps the over exposed face wasn’t a bad thing but simply a reflection of the strong sun that day.

Yes, the dandelion and it’s seeds were added in post processing.

To complete this image, I had searched and found, I feel, a perfect piece of music to accompany this photo so I was intent in publishing a video with it.  After struggling to get the encoders to work because Serif has stopped supporting my video editor, I finally got it in place.  Hope you enjoy.

Secondlife Location: Luane’s World




Wildflowers at Dim Sum Gardens

Sometimes they come so easily while others really make you work. When they are equally fulfilling, I sometimes question my choices.  Why put the extra effort into something if in the end, taking the easy road gets you to the same place. The answer is simply that the path is the goal.

I spent a lot of time, with the help of Pattie, looking for a location to shoot a photo that we were collaborating on and finally found a spot I liked at Dim Sum Gardens. in fact, the location of that photo is visible in the background of this image (the gazebo directly above/behind the horse’s head).  Once the location was determined, we still had shopping to do along with addressing other issues that arose.  I’ll save all those for the comments on that particular image.

This image was taken while I was exploring the sim, making sure that there wasn’t a better location for my needs.  There wasn’t but on spotting a guitar on this bright sunny day, sitting in the shade and strumming a few strings seemed like the thing to do. The horse apparently became curious as it kept circling near me.

It was a simple photo. No composite. Post processing included only some highlights on my face and arm in addition to the mane of the horse. Most everything else was done with windlight in the viewer..

This was a fun, relaxing image who’s name seemed to be obvious and without much effort to find a piece of music to go with it.  This doesn’t lessen or improve the experience, it was just different and varied from many other efforts.


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