
Kyashi faces a dragon
Don't back down.

With this image, Aedan’s work associate Kyashi, or as her parents call her, Kathy, is introduced.

I took my first attempt at writing a story for this format over the summer. Like everything else, it was a learning experience…one that told me I had much to learn before continuing.  In fact, I am currently regrouping a bit.

However, being Aedan’s work associate, she will be in the story early and often so over the last week I spent quite a bit of time developing her character. I now feel I know her quite well and so it was time to put a face on her. Once she has her own wardrobe (she can’t stand sharing clothes with Noel), I’ll start working on Aedan’s supervisor, the DA but right now, this is Kyashi’s moment…and he never backs down…

As for the image, it is one of the most simple images I’ve done in quite a while. It is a composite but only because I’ve never had much luck with Field Of View in the Firestorm viewer. Windlight was changed only to get a little sun on her face. The biggest editing of this photo was in creating a more realistic eye for the dragon statue.


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